Sunday, March 4, 2007

Sweet Beans & Rice Soup

My mom makes rice soup sometimes, which is just rice & milk, lightly sweetened. It's awesome, a good breakfast (or dinner), and cheap.

I was at the Oriental Market in Davenport (my new favorite store, they have canned bubble tea!!!) and picked up a few cans of tiny sweetened red beans. Red beans figure heavily in some Asian desserts, and if you've never had sweet red beans, you are missing out! I thought they'd be good in rice soup, and I was right.

This is 3-1/2 cups (cooked) brown rice, a can of mashed sweet red beans (they come already mashed, roughly the consistency of refried beans), and some milk (enough to make it soupy but not too milky). The beans are already sweetened in the can, so there was no need to add any additional sweetener.

I made it last night & put it in the fridge, and it'll last me most of the week for breakfast. This morning I warmed up a bowl in the microwave and cut up a banana on top. It was so delicious & kept me going for a long time!

Here's what the cans of tiny sweet red beans look like. I used the one on the left, the mashed beans - the one on the right contains unmashed beans. Probably either would work well for this.

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