Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Experimental Fruit Salad

This fruit salad came to me in a dream....

I had a dream that I made a fruit salad & used the dressing I like to use on bean salad - mayo, lime & cayenne pepper. I woke up and said, wow, that sounds good. Except I'm not sure about mayo on fruit salad. And I overuse mayo as a dressing as it is. How about yogurt instead?

It worked!

(Do my food pictures look OK? I think the food generally looks better in person. Believe me though, I would not post it here if it didn't taste awesome.)

Anyway, here's what I used:

1 mini watermelon (or a few cups of regular watermelon)
2 mangoes
1 peach
some red seedless grapes
1/2 cup vanilla yogurt
1 large or 2 small limes
cayenne pepper to taste

My favorite kind of instructions apply: mix them up!

You might want to lower the dressing-to-fruit ratio a smidge; it was kind of soupy (I actually used 2 largeish limes), but the dressing was really good so I didn't mind. Add cayenne carefully: the heat increases as it sits, especially in liquid. I was pretty generous with it and the salad ended up very hot, but I love spicy so it was all good.

I'm sure the spicy-tangy-sweet thing is not for everyone. You could leave out the cayenne if you don't like spicy or if it doesn't seem like the thing for you. But it's what really makes the salad unique. Yum!!

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